Monday, December 22, 2014

How Are Essential Oils Different From Herbs & Supplements

Essential Oils are the heartbeat of the plant kingdom, and are perhaps the most exciting life-giving substance we have in the world today. They represent in plants what blood represents in humankind - life! This heartbeat is the energy that was created to deliver the nutrients into every cell of the body Defined; Essential oils are the subtle, volatile liquids that are distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, bushes and seeds.

An ancient process, oil distillation is a delicate and precise art that has been almost forgotten. Science is just now re- discovering the incredible power of Essential Oils, and beginning to acknowledge their value for our health.

More Potent Than Herbs...

Being concentrated, The oils contain virtually all of the plants nutrients, oxygenating molecules, amino acid precursors, coenzyme A factors, trace minerals, enzymes, vitamins, hormones and more. And because they are concentrated, EO's are from 50 to 70 times more therapeutically potent than the herbs or plants they are derived from. Unlike dried herbs that can lose up up to 90% of the valuable nutrients and oxygen molecules, Essential Oils do not. Research further shows that Essential Oils when applied to skin will penetrate every single cell within 20 minutes.

Because the very life force of the plant is contained in EO's, and because this life force synergizes so favorably with the human body, Essential Oils are a powerful support for the immune system.
Pure, therapeutic grade Essential Oils are freely available and safe for home use. Many people diffuse the oils into the atmosphere of their homes, creating a healthy environment.

Nature's Most Effective Delivery Agent...

Because Essential Oils contain such high amounts of oxygenating molecules, they act as an effective delivery agent to bring food nutrients THROUGH the cell wall to feed the cell nucleus.

Without an adequate delivery agent to assist the cell to receive needed nutrients, the cell can become deprived of needed nutrition. Without adequate nutrition, the cell wall thickens hindering further delivery of nutrients. When malnutrition occurs, the cell begins to deteriorate, creating a health problems.  Yes, nd many may wonder why they are not feeling so well again. Essential Oils are known for their ability to "fly" through the thickest cell walls. They have the ability to restore malnurished cells back to health. In fact, EO's are nature's most effective catalyst and delivery agent for feeding your body's several trillion cells.

Allow me to help you with any questions you may have. Contact me today and let’s get some answers.

Jermaine Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

Monday, December 15, 2014

What Goals R U making


What goals did you set at the start of this year or what goals are you making for the new one? Have you accomplished them? Personal development legend Jim Rohn says it's ok if you haven't yet achieved your goals. The more important question to ask is if you will begin and get started?

“The real value in setting goals is not in their achievement. The acquisition of the things you want is strictly secondary. The major reason for setting goals is to compel you to become the person it takes to achieve them,” one of my mentors Jim Rohn says. Say you want to be a millionaire or a thousandaire. The greatest value to becoming one is actually not the millions or the thousands of dollars. (Seriously!) “The greatest value is in the skills, knowledge, discipline and leadership qualities you’ll develop in reaching that elevated status,” Rohn says.

Answer this question: What kind of person will you have to become to get all you want ??? Write down the kinds of skills you’ll need to develop and the knowledge you’ll need to gain. Your answers might give you some new goals for your personal development. Work on your goals. Your ability will grow to match your dreams. “This is some of the keys of goal setting. The more you work on your goals, the more new opportunities will present themselves to you,” Rohn says.

You can make big changes in your life. “You can make startling changes you can’t even conceive of right now, if you just give yourself half a chance.”  So my question to you is what chance will you give yourself. 

“A job might be great, but a part-time business could be awesome.”

You may also listen to one of my mentors Jim here:

Monday, December 8, 2014

Aroma Zenith Vibes Here Now

Greetings to all,

Jermaine here and I would love to tell you a little about a life changing moment I experienced 14 years ago. Someone whispered in my ear and said “Would you like to smell this?” I said “Sure” and the rest is history.

I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and have not looked back since. So what you may be asking is what have the oils and the company done for me. They help me in all aspects of my life. They help me maintain the measure of health I have, and ease physical and emotional discomforts that come with everyday life. I feel awesome for this truly remarkable gift God has brought into my life by Gary Young and the many others who have joined the vision to help ONE person like myself at a time.

Along with these amazing products which I invite you to take a look at, here at Young Living Essential Oils we offer a pretty attractive Business Opportunity. Are you ready to take your life to a whole new level both in the areas of Health and Finances? I hope you are as I was almost 15 years ago. Allow me to show you how you can become the CEO of your own organization. All it will take is a few minutes to look over my site, then after which you will have all the information you need to make a well informed decision.

Allow me to help you with any questions you may have. Contact me today and let’s get some answers.

Jermaine Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720