Friday, November 13, 2015

Look at yourself, no really look at yourself

This can be great for life & or your business.  Are you willing to really look at yourself I am going to share with you a most potent question to ask oneself any time you really feel unfavorable negative emotion with a person, especially if the communication has turned into turmoil or an argument.

Look at yourself briefly and ask yourself this one simple powerful question, Is this a problem between me and me or me and them ???

 For example let’s say you happen to be speaking to some loved-one and they mentioned something  to you that spurs an negative emotion. The question now is, Is this a problem between me and me or me and them ???

Did you respond that way when they did not do anything or mean any harm? Once you take responsibility to answer the question honestly to yourself dramatic changes will happen. Is this really an issue of lack of self-worth and self-confidence? Be real with yourself when answering that question. Be truthful about what isn’t operating and why. Stop generating excuses and begin producing benefits. This will be a new beginning of a healthier you. I want you to think about that. Any time you have a negative emotion that you bring up because somebody said something or something you just imagined in mind. Ask yourself that question: Is this a problem between me and me or me and them? And if a problem between you and you if you will then you can work on solving it.

Understand this statement, "You cannot change what you do not acknowledge”. So if you're the kind of particular person that is willing to take a look at oneself and to take responsibility of the way you react and how you respond to a situation. Then you definitely can use this question to create spectacular modifications or changes to your daily life !!!

This is Jermaine Oiler Exec. Felton

Wellness Instructor/Success Coach


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Are You Building Your Business Part Time or In Your Spare Time?

I heard a great quote from my friend Eric Youle, “Network Marketing can be done Full Time or Part Time but not Spare Time or worse Sometime.” I had never heard that quote before but it is a great one.
How are you building your business? Most of us start out building our business around other things we are doing. That’s the way I started with my network marketing career 17 years ago. I saw the potential for working from home and freedom both time and financially. I started my business the way most people do, while working other jobs for income.

The key to success in network marketing is to have the right attitude. If you are like me, and had to start building your business around a job, you will need to build your network marketing business part time.

There is something very important you need to keep in mind. The way you approach your business will determine whether or not you are successful. If you are building your business in your spare time you will NOT be successful. It’s as simple as that.

When you build your business in spare time, you are putting it’s importance in last place. There will always be things that crowd out the daily tasks. Things just don’t get done. Maybe once in a while you dabble at your business but nothing that is consistent and making forward progress.

If you want to seriously earn an income in network marketing, you MUST get rid of the SPARE TIME approach to building your business. The spare time marketer does the business once in a while when they have some extra time. A strong business is not built that way.

Building your business part time means that you have a schedule. When you have a part time job, you have certain hours you devote to your job. You show up and do the work on schedule. When you apply this principle to your business it becomes a serious, progressive business, even if you are working it part time in the beginning. If you stick with it and work part time instead of spare time, you will get there.

Newton’s First Law of Motion states, “An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”

Daily action is how a successful business grows, even if you have to work it part time.

Jim Rohn said it best, “I am now working full time on my job and part time on my fortune.”

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wellness Therapy Never Hurt Anybody

What is Wellness Therapy ???

The purpose of Wellness Therapy is to empower individuals to reach tier full potential as human beings. Various treatment modalities are incorporated, providing an integrated approach designed to heal a person's physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Full wellness cannot be achieved unless these three areas - body, mind, and emotions — are in balance.

Traditional Western medicine and psychotherapies treat the disease rather than the person. Wellness Therapy, on the other hand, recognizes the unique internal and external circumstances presented by the individual, and in so doing, treats the individual, rather than the disease. Wellness Therapy does not believe in one size fits all.

Wellness Therapy works to bring the physical, emotional, and mental bodies into harmony by promoting a lifestyle of balance. Addictions, anxiety, and depression are common symptoms of imbalance. Wellness Therapy addresses these in much the same way that light is brought into a dark room. While darkness cannot be physically removed, in the presence of light, darkness vanishes. Likewise, in the presence of a harmonious lifestyle, imbalance simply disappears.

Who Benefits from Wellness Therapy ???

Wellness Therapy Includes:


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." It is true that our thinking creates our reality. We may not be able to control external events, but we can control how we perceive them. Cognitive therapy empowers individuals to control their thoughts, rather than letting their thoughts control them.

  • Twelve Step Programs
    Twelve step programs are spiritual programs of recovery designed to empower individuals to overcome addictive behaviors. Twelve step principles are incorporated into Wellness Therapy.

  • Stress Management
    Wellness Therapy offers stress management techniques such as body scanning, breath work, and mental imagery. These and other techniques empower individuals to cope with stress and anxiety in healthful ways.

  • Nutrition
    Wellness Therapy emphasizes the do's and don'ts of a healing and healthful diet.

  • Exercise
    Exercise helps to lower cholesterol and strengthen the cardiovascular system. In addition, exercise stimulates the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that make people feel good.

  • Meditation
    Meditation is a way of connecting with that place inside that is happy, joyous, and free.

  • Aromatherapy
    Aromatherapy harnesses the energy of essential oils, extremely powerful plant material, to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

    This is,

    Jermaine Oiler Felton
    Wellness Instructor/Success Coach

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School Essentials

Fall is one of our favorite seasons of the year—it’s cooler than summer, warmer than winter, and the changing colors are simply gorgeous. It’s also the time of year when school starts again and the hustle and bustle of life seem to go into overdrive.

With so much going on, it’s easy to let wellness take a backseat. Here are a few of our favorite products that are designed to put any student—or parent—in the right state of mind and help support wellness now that school is back in session!

GeneYus: GeneYus is a sweet blend of Spearmint, Peppermint,
Tangerine, and other essential oils that’s great for young minds that
are focusing on projects. Apply GeneYus to your child’s wrists or
back of neck before he or she heads off to school to encourage their efforts.

Inner Defense: Have your kids take an
Inner Defense capsule before walking out the door
to support a healthy immune system.

Joy: Need to create a positive aromatic environment in your
home this back-to-school season? Joy is a fresh blend of Bergamot,
Lemon, Palmarosa, and other essential oils that lifts the spirit when
used aromatically. Simply diffuse as needed for an uplifting scent.

Slique Bars: Perfect for a snack in the morning,
at lunch, or after school, a Slique Bar is packed with
fruits and nuts and is a delicious option to reach for
instead of junk foods.

Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier: Teach children about
cleanliness before eating snacks or lunch with convenient
and portable Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier.

Lavender: Create a peaceful aromatic environment with Lavender.
To use, add 2–4 drops to a warm evening bath, rub over your child’s
pillow, or apply to his or her feet as part of a nightly routine.

If you are a parent who cares about the well being of your child while they are away at school, perhaps some of these protective measures can be considered by you.

If you have any questions ...

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

This Business doesn't Work ... let us explain ...

This Business doesn't work ...

My new distributor was complaining: "This business doesn’t work!!!"

And my new distributor was right. The business doesn’t work.

So I had to tell the new distributor a story. :)


You look for the best car for you, and you purchase the car.

But, you never learn how to drive your car.

You never take driving lessons, you never go out driving with your parents, you never read the owner’s manual. You don’t know about those strange pedals on the floor or where to put the key into the ignition.

The only thing you do is make a few attempts at "trial and error" ... you yell at your car and say,

“Drive! Drive!” And your car doesn’t drive itself.

But, you have a vision board ...


So, you looked for a network marketing business that was a good fit for you.

You purchased the business and joined.

But you never learned how to make your business work.

The only thing you did was make a few attempts at "trial and error" ... you said the wrong words to a few friends and two cold leads.

And your business didn’t build itself. Your business didn’t work.

* You didn’t come to Saturday trainings.
* You didn’t do three-way calls with your sponsor.
* You didn’t listen to any training CDs.
* You didn’t come with your sponsor while your sponsor went prospecting.
* You didn’t learn how to give a "One-Minute Presentation."
* You didn’t learn "SuperClosing" or any other closing.
* You didn’t learn about the "Colors" ... the four different personalities and how to talk to them.
* You didn’t learn any effective "Ice Breakers" or openings.
* You didn’t learn how to get prospects to beg you for presentations.
* You didn’t learn any effective first sentences.
* You didn’t learn how prospects make decisions in their minds.
* You didn’t learn how to get unlimited appointments.
* You didn’t learn how to stop sounding like a sleazy salesman.
* You didn’t learn any of the "sequences of words" to communicate directly with the prospects.
* You didn’t learn how to use the differences between needs and wants.
* You didn’t learn where and how to locate the best prospects.
* You didn’t learn how to create prospects instantly with effective sentences.
* You didn’t learn the sequences of words that the top leaders use.
* You didn’t learn how to open a presentation.
* You didn’t learn how to build instant rapport with anyone.
* You didn’t learn how to use word pictures.
* You didn’t learn how to talk directly to the subconscious mind of the prospect.
* You didn’t learn why prospects tell you "no" when they should be agreeing with you.
* You didn’t learn the first things you must say to cold prospects.
* You didn’t learn how to locate and create leaders.
* You didn’t learn how to motivate people.
* You didn’t learn how to get your prospect’s unconscious mind to work for them.
* You didn’t learn how to use stories to bypass the two mind filters of prospects.
* You didn’t learn how to quickly capture your prospects’ imagination and attention.
* You didn’t learn how to ...

So stop blaming the business.

The business doesn’t work.

You work.

Don’t blame the "stupid" prospects, the weather, the economy, the product pricing, the compensation plan or your sponsor.

If you want to drive the new car you purchased ... learn to drive.

The end. :)

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Are You Sharpening Your Skills?

Are You Sharpening Your Skills?

“You can cut down a tree with a hammer, but it takes about 30 days. If you trade the hammer for an ax, you can cut it down in about 30 minutes. The difference between 30 days and 30 minutes is skills.” – Jim Rohn

Leaders are readers and readers are earners. Even distributors who are already very successful still continue to read books, listen to audios, take online training courses and go to seminars and workshops to sharpen their skills. If you would like a full time income in Young Living, you need to think and act like a professional. Professionals are always sharpening their skills. Are you sharpening yours?

In the beginning network marketing can feel a little out of your comfort zone. If you spend a little time every day reading and listening to audios. Your comfort zone will expand. Attend events, seminars and workshops and you will sharpen your skills even more.

One way to sharpen your skills is to hang around people who are successful in the business. Observe what they do. Listen when they speak. Follow them on Facebook and other social media and observe how they connect with people. Pay attention. You can learn a lot from other leaders in Young Living.

Keep up with things that are going on in the company and with anything that affects your business. It’s no different than any other profession like accountants, lawyers, people in the medical profession, hair stylists, etc. You have to keep up with any changes going on. There are always changes. There are new ways to market and promote your business. 15 years ago, when I began building my Young Living business, we did not use social media. Today it is a big part of both business building and training downline. Times change.

Have fun learning, growing and sharpening your network marketing skills.

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Personal Development Can Be Critical to Success in Business

Personal Development Can Be Critical to Success in Business

We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation.

Who Inspired me ???  Well, there have been plenty of others along the years in business who have groomed me and helped to shape me in what we do to this day.  They back then told me:  
If you want to be fit and respectfully happy in business, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.  Boom, that statement hit me like a ton of bricks of Inspiration and began the wheels of personal development.

Ever since those others 
woke me up with that statement, I worked hard on my own personal growth, and I must admit that this was the most challenging assignment of all. But understand, this business of personal development lasts a lifetime.

You see, what you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not, What am I getting? Instead, you should ask, What am I becoming? Getting and becoming are so closely intertwined—what you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are right now.

I've also found that income rarely exceeds personal development. Sometimes income takes an Inspirational jump, but unless you learn to handle the responsibilities that come with it, it will usually shrink back to the amount you can handle. If someone hands you a few thousand dollars to help you, you'd better hurry up and become a thousandaire. A very rich man once said, "If you took all the money in the world and divided it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets it was before."

It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development. So here's the great axiom of life:  (Axiom- a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.)

To have more than you've got, become more than you are.

This is where you can begin to focus most of your attention. Otherwise, you just might have to contend with the axiom of not changing, which is:

Unless you change how you are, you'll always have what you've got, which is definitely true in most factors of life.

So in there lies "Why we love what we do ..."

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Prospecting your server and what this can mean for You

Going out to eat is also great for prospecting!
I love to prospect waiters and waitresses because they are great Business prospects.

Here are some reasons why servers are great business prospects


Most servers are working at the restaurant part time or as a second job.
The average salary of a waiter is only $30,000 in the USA.
Some can earn up to $50,000 but those are rare.
With that annual salary they will NEVER achieve their dreams!
Your Business opportunity can be the perfect solution for them.


They already know how to smile, warm people up with ice breakers and make people feel comfortable.


Servers are great listeners and give people undivided attention when they take orders.
Even after they serve your food, most waiters pay attention to your body language to see if you have finished eating or need help.
Servers also communicate properly to the kitchen so that the right orders are served.
These communication skills will help them get a head start as distributors.


Servers give recommendations everyday and whether they realize it or not,servers are selling all the time.
Before they take your order, many will “sell” you to try the specials of the day.
When asked for recommendations, servers always confidently recommend what they like.


They’re used to serving customers so serving and helping their future MLM team won’t be an issue.

Script to come on how to talk with servers ... stay tuned ...
Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Add Power to your Nap

Do you worry that you’re not getting enough sleep each night? You’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control reports that nearly 30 percent of American adults average less than six hours nightly, rather than the recommended 7–8 hours. Chronic sleep deprivation can have long-term health consequences, and on a day-to-day basis, not getting enough z’s can leave you sleepy and slam the brakes on your productivity and creativity.It might be tempting to turn to junk food or an energy drink to get you through the 2 p.m. lull, but consider taking a power nap instead. Think that a short sleep break sounds a little on the lazy side? Think again! Influential nappers have included Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Mozart, to name a few. Each of these figures already knew what science is now confirming: A power nap can boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy levels.Naps are an underestimated secret weapon for refreshing the mind, boosting memory and cognition, and cultivating a sense of well-being so you can get back to your day sharper than before. Here’s how to put power in your power nap:
  • Give yourself the permission to nap: Don’t feel guilty—you’re investing just a few minutes to rejuvenate your mind, body, and mood for the rest of the day. Not only will you enjoy a tiny mental vacation, but the alert, rested version of you will also accomplish much more than the fatigued version.
  • Snack strategically: Consuming caffeine, fat, and sugar interferes with your ability to fall asleep. If you’re planning on a nap within a couple of hours, choose meals and snacks that are high in calcium and protein.
  • Go dark: Stimulate melatonin production by napping in a dark room or wearing an eye mask.
  • Timing is everything: Your best, most refreshing results from napping will come from a nap in the early middle of the day—a nap that falls in the late afternoon may more closely resemble nighttime sleep, leaving you groggy.
  • Get cozy: Keep a blanket handy—your body temperature drops while you snooze.

    Speaking of timing, differing nap lengths deliver different benefits
  • 2–5 Minutes: In the time it takes to grab a snack or flip through Instagram, you could take a micronap that banishes those heavy eyelids.
  • 5–20 minutes: You can increase alertness, stamina, motor learning, and motor performance in just a few short minutes. Plus, others will barely notice that you’ve been away.
  • 20 minutes: Stepping away from you day for less than the length of your favorite sitcom helps increase alertness, stamina, motor learning, motor performance, and muscle memory, while clearing the brain of useless, built-up information. Think of it as housekeeping for your brain.
  • 50–90 minutes: More serious daytime shuteye helps you enjoy the benefits of slow-wave REM sleep, including improving perceptual processing. This length of nap also can be great for allowing the body to repair bones and muscles.

    Jermaine Oiler Felton
    Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
    Call me: 718-213-6720

Friday, May 22, 2015

How would you answer for yourself ???

At time there are many questions that may come to us in life as for example to name just a few:

What color shirt will I wear today ???
Will I have a family of my own one day ???
Will I ever have enough money not to struggle ???

What is a supplement ??? It is usually defined as this that it is something that complete or enhances something else when added to it.  So, how are you supplementing your income today  ???

Now with that here above, now see if you can begin giving some conscience thoughts as to supplementing and just getting a little more for yourself and our family, here are some other questions to get your creative juices flowing ...

"How does it feel not having an extra paycheck every week?"

"What do you think of the success plan they gave us in school?"

"How big of a raise do you expect this year?"

"Did you ever think of what you could do with an eight-week vacation?"

Sometimes you may be in the lunchroom or by the coffee machine at your job, here is something you can try to begin the thinking process ---

You are standing by the coffee machine at work or in the lunch cafeteria, talking to co-workers. Say:

"We are in a rut. We don’t want to do this until we die. What’s your plan?"

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Put Yourself in this Picture…

Put Yourself in this Picture…

You wake up every morning when you finish sleeping.  You live in the house you always wanted, I mean with everything you wanted inside and out.  ( Guess what your mortgage is only $100.00 a month ).  You own the car you always have wanted and guess what that is paid for as well.  Now you may be working for someone but in this picture you are now the boss of you own company with your own work force in several countries around the world.  Every other day you check your books and you work force of distributors as well is expanding and you see all the new volume growing greatly.

You have passive residual income and so your life has some reasonable choices now.  Now you’ve built  a large, successful team, you’re respected both within  your company, and by other leaders in the profession.  When your company holds its annual convention, you are the one walking across the stage to deafening cheers, you earn the  bonus cars and exotic trips, and you are the person that most  people want to be like.

Yes and along with this you have personal time for the other personal things of your life, while helping others achieve the wellness and their own time to do the things they most love and like in life.  This all is no pipe dream but it is the circumstances of Thousands around he world.  Question is can this be you to ???

Is it time for you to feel better with more energy and time without clocking into someone else's clock but you own ???

All I ask you to do is to take a closer look at what we do and then you can decide if this shift is right for you.

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Built for Success

Young Living's Compensation Plan: Built for Your Success

Have you ever wanted to truly own your time - and your life? What would you do if going to work every day was exciting and enjoyable, if you no longer had to wonder how you were going to pay the bills, if you could reach your dreams and enjoy life on your terms? Young Living's generous compensation plan gives you the power to take control of your future and build a business that will change your life forever.

Joining the Young Living family allows you to achieve greater health and prosperity by enjoying and sharing our transformational products. With an easy - to - understand compensation plan, unique bonuses, and powerful profit - sharing opportunities, spreading the priceless benefits of essential oils has never been more rewarding!

Becoming a Young Living distributor means more than just starting a business. You are joining a worldwide family that is eager to support you as you share Young Living's matchless message of wellness, purpose, and abundance with everyone, everywhere. Our exciting opportunities not only teach you how to build a thriving business, but they also offer extensive networking opportunities, unique hands - on product experiences, and a strong sense of community.

We invite you to join Young Living and enjoy an incomparable lifestyle that is spreading across the globe, creating healthier and more fulfilled lives. Find out more about how Young Living can transform your life or sign up now and start your Young Living journey today.

Allow me to help you with any questions you may have. Contact me today and let’s get some answers.

Jermaine Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address: