How are you building your business? Most of us start out building our business around other things we are doing. That’s the way I started with my network marketing career 17 years ago. I saw the potential for working from home and freedom both time and financially. I started my business the way most people do, while working other jobs for income.
The key to success in network marketing is to have the right attitude. If you are like me, and had to start building your business around a job, you will need to build your network marketing business part time.
There is something very important you need to keep in mind. The way you approach your business will determine whether or not you are successful. If you are building your business in your spare time you will NOT be successful. It’s as simple as that.
When you build your business in spare time, you are putting it’s importance in last place. There will always be things that crowd out the daily tasks. Things just don’t get done. Maybe once in a while you dabble at your business but nothing that is consistent and making forward progress.
If you want to seriously earn an income in network marketing, you MUST get rid of the SPARE TIME approach to building your business. The spare time marketer does the business once in a while when they have some extra time. A strong business is not built that way.
Building your business part time means that you have a schedule. When you have a part time job, you have certain hours you devote to your job. You show up and do the work on schedule. When you apply this principle to your business it becomes a serious, progressive business, even if you are working it part time in the beginning. If you stick with it and work part time instead of spare time, you will get there.
Newton’s First Law of Motion states, “An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”
Daily action is how a successful business grows, even if you have to work it part time.
Jim Rohn said it best, “I am now working full time on my job and part time on my fortune.”
This is,
Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720
Jermaine Oiler Felton