Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Add Power to your Nap

Do you worry that you’re not getting enough sleep each night? You’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control reports that nearly 30 percent of American adults average less than six hours nightly, rather than the recommended 7–8 hours. Chronic sleep deprivation can have long-term health consequences, and on a day-to-day basis, not getting enough z’s can leave you sleepy and slam the brakes on your productivity and creativity.It might be tempting to turn to junk food or an energy drink to get you through the 2 p.m. lull, but consider taking a power nap instead. Think that a short sleep break sounds a little on the lazy side? Think again! Influential nappers have included Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Mozart, to name a few. Each of these figures already knew what science is now confirming: A power nap can boost your memory, cognitive skills, creativity, and energy levels.Naps are an underestimated secret weapon for refreshing the mind, boosting memory and cognition, and cultivating a sense of well-being so you can get back to your day sharper than before. Here’s how to put power in your power nap:
  • Give yourself the permission to nap: Don’t feel guilty—you’re investing just a few minutes to rejuvenate your mind, body, and mood for the rest of the day. Not only will you enjoy a tiny mental vacation, but the alert, rested version of you will also accomplish much more than the fatigued version.
  • Snack strategically: Consuming caffeine, fat, and sugar interferes with your ability to fall asleep. If you’re planning on a nap within a couple of hours, choose meals and snacks that are high in calcium and protein.
  • Go dark: Stimulate melatonin production by napping in a dark room or wearing an eye mask.
  • Timing is everything: Your best, most refreshing results from napping will come from a nap in the early middle of the day—a nap that falls in the late afternoon may more closely resemble nighttime sleep, leaving you groggy.
  • Get cozy: Keep a blanket handy—your body temperature drops while you snooze.

    Speaking of timing, differing nap lengths deliver different benefits
  • 2–5 Minutes: In the time it takes to grab a snack or flip through Instagram, you could take a micronap that banishes those heavy eyelids.
  • 5–20 minutes: You can increase alertness, stamina, motor learning, and motor performance in just a few short minutes. Plus, others will barely notice that you’ve been away.
  • 20 minutes: Stepping away from you day for less than the length of your favorite sitcom helps increase alertness, stamina, motor learning, motor performance, and muscle memory, while clearing the brain of useless, built-up information. Think of it as housekeeping for your brain.
  • 50–90 minutes: More serious daytime shuteye helps you enjoy the benefits of slow-wave REM sleep, including improving perceptual processing. This length of nap also can be great for allowing the body to repair bones and muscles.

    Jermaine Oiler Felton
    Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
    Call me: 718-213-6720

Friday, May 22, 2015

How would you answer for yourself ???

At time there are many questions that may come to us in life as for example to name just a few:

What color shirt will I wear today ???
Will I have a family of my own one day ???
Will I ever have enough money not to struggle ???

What is a supplement ??? It is usually defined as this that it is something that complete or enhances something else when added to it.  So, how are you supplementing your income today  ???

Now with that here above, now see if you can begin giving some conscience thoughts as to supplementing and just getting a little more for yourself and our family, here are some other questions to get your creative juices flowing ...

"How does it feel not having an extra paycheck every week?"

"What do you think of the success plan they gave us in school?"

"How big of a raise do you expect this year?"

"Did you ever think of what you could do with an eight-week vacation?"

Sometimes you may be in the lunchroom or by the coffee machine at your job, here is something you can try to begin the thinking process ---

You are standing by the coffee machine at work or in the lunch cafeteria, talking to co-workers. Say:

"We are in a rut. We don’t want to do this until we die. What’s your plan?"

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:  http://www.ylwebsite.com/aromazenith/home

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Put Yourself in this Picture…

Put Yourself in this Picture…

You wake up every morning when you finish sleeping.  You live in the house you always wanted, I mean with everything you wanted inside and out.  ( Guess what your mortgage is only $100.00 a month ).  You own the car you always have wanted and guess what that is paid for as well.  Now you may be working for someone but in this picture you are now the boss of you own company with your own work force in several countries around the world.  Every other day you check your books and you work force of distributors as well is expanding and you see all the new volume growing greatly.

You have passive residual income and so your life has some reasonable choices now.  Now you’ve built  a large, successful team, you’re respected both within  your company, and by other leaders in the profession.  When your company holds its annual convention, you are the one walking across the stage to deafening cheers, you earn the  bonus cars and exotic trips, and you are the person that most  people want to be like.

Yes and along with this you have personal time for the other personal things of your life, while helping others achieve the wellness and their own time to do the things they most love and like in life.  This all is no pipe dream but it is the circumstances of Thousands around he world.  Question is can this be you to ???

Is it time for you to feel better with more energy and time without clocking into someone else's clock but you own ???

All I ask you to do is to take a closer look at what we do and then you can decide if this shift is right for you.

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:  http://www.ylwebsite.com/aromazenith/home

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Built for Success

Young Living's Compensation Plan: Built for Your Success

Have you ever wanted to truly own your time - and your life? What would you do if going to work every day was exciting and enjoyable, if you no longer had to wonder how you were going to pay the bills, if you could reach your dreams and enjoy life on your terms? Young Living's generous compensation plan gives you the power to take control of your future and build a business that will change your life forever.

Joining the Young Living family allows you to achieve greater health and prosperity by enjoying and sharing our transformational products. With an easy - to - understand compensation plan, unique bonuses, and powerful profit - sharing opportunities, spreading the priceless benefits of essential oils has never been more rewarding!

Becoming a Young Living distributor means more than just starting a business. You are joining a worldwide family that is eager to support you as you share Young Living's matchless message of wellness, purpose, and abundance with everyone, everywhere. Our exciting opportunities not only teach you how to build a thriving business, but they also offer extensive networking opportunities, unique hands - on product experiences, and a strong sense of community.

We invite you to join Young Living and enjoy an incomparable lifestyle that is spreading across the globe, creating healthier and more fulfilled lives. Find out more about how Young Living can transform your life or sign up now and start your Young Living journey today.

Allow me to help you with any questions you may have. Contact me today and let’s get some answers.

Jermaine Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:  http://www.ylwebsite.com/aromazenith/home