Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wellness Therapy Never Hurt Anybody

What is Wellness Therapy ???

The purpose of Wellness Therapy is to empower individuals to reach tier full potential as human beings. Various treatment modalities are incorporated, providing an integrated approach designed to heal a person's physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Full wellness cannot be achieved unless these three areas - body, mind, and emotions — are in balance.

Traditional Western medicine and psychotherapies treat the disease rather than the person. Wellness Therapy, on the other hand, recognizes the unique internal and external circumstances presented by the individual, and in so doing, treats the individual, rather than the disease. Wellness Therapy does not believe in one size fits all.

Wellness Therapy works to bring the physical, emotional, and mental bodies into harmony by promoting a lifestyle of balance. Addictions, anxiety, and depression are common symptoms of imbalance. Wellness Therapy addresses these in much the same way that light is brought into a dark room. While darkness cannot be physically removed, in the presence of light, darkness vanishes. Likewise, in the presence of a harmonious lifestyle, imbalance simply disappears.

Who Benefits from Wellness Therapy ???

Wellness Therapy Includes:


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." It is true that our thinking creates our reality. We may not be able to control external events, but we can control how we perceive them. Cognitive therapy empowers individuals to control their thoughts, rather than letting their thoughts control them.

  • Twelve Step Programs
    Twelve step programs are spiritual programs of recovery designed to empower individuals to overcome addictive behaviors. Twelve step principles are incorporated into Wellness Therapy.

  • Stress Management
    Wellness Therapy offers stress management techniques such as body scanning, breath work, and mental imagery. These and other techniques empower individuals to cope with stress and anxiety in healthful ways.

  • Nutrition
    Wellness Therapy emphasizes the do's and don'ts of a healing and healthful diet.

  • Exercise
    Exercise helps to lower cholesterol and strengthen the cardiovascular system. In addition, exercise stimulates the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that make people feel good.

  • Meditation
    Meditation is a way of connecting with that place inside that is happy, joyous, and free.

  • Aromatherapy
    Aromatherapy harnesses the energy of essential oils, extremely powerful plant material, to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

    This is,

    Jermaine Oiler Felton
    Wellness Instructor/Success Coach

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School Essentials

Fall is one of our favorite seasons of the year—it’s cooler than summer, warmer than winter, and the changing colors are simply gorgeous. It’s also the time of year when school starts again and the hustle and bustle of life seem to go into overdrive.

With so much going on, it’s easy to let wellness take a backseat. Here are a few of our favorite products that are designed to put any student—or parent—in the right state of mind and help support wellness now that school is back in session!

GeneYus: GeneYus is a sweet blend of Spearmint, Peppermint,
Tangerine, and other essential oils that’s great for young minds that
are focusing on projects. Apply GeneYus to your child’s wrists or
back of neck before he or she heads off to school to encourage their efforts.

Inner Defense: Have your kids take an
Inner Defense capsule before walking out the door
to support a healthy immune system.

Joy: Need to create a positive aromatic environment in your
home this back-to-school season? Joy is a fresh blend of Bergamot,
Lemon, Palmarosa, and other essential oils that lifts the spirit when
used aromatically. Simply diffuse as needed for an uplifting scent.

Slique Bars: Perfect for a snack in the morning,
at lunch, or after school, a Slique Bar is packed with
fruits and nuts and is a delicious option to reach for
instead of junk foods.

Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier: Teach children about
cleanliness before eating snacks or lunch with convenient
and portable Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier.

Lavender: Create a peaceful aromatic environment with Lavender.
To use, add 2–4 drops to a warm evening bath, rub over your child’s
pillow, or apply to his or her feet as part of a nightly routine.

If you are a parent who cares about the well being of your child while they are away at school, perhaps some of these protective measures can be considered by you.

If you have any questions ...

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach