Thursday, February 25, 2016

Become a Good Observer by Jim Rohn

Become a Good Observer 
by Jim Rohn

An astute reader can learn how to become a good Observer.  For several years now I have really In-Joyed the readings and writings of this man Jim Rohn and here below is one of his writings on what it can take to become a good observer.  Please In-Joy this piece with me ... 

We must never allow a day to pass without

finding the answers to a list of important

questions such as: What is going on in our


What new challenges are currently facing our

government? Our community? Our

What are the new

breakthroughs, the new opportunities, the new

tools and techniques that have recently come to

light? Who are the new personalities that are

influencing world and local opinion?

We must become good observers and astute

evaluators of all that is going on around us. All

events affect us, and what affects us leaves an
imprint on what we will one day be and how we

will one day live. 

One of the major reasons why people are not

doing well is because they keep trying to get

through the day. A more worthy challenge is to

try to get from the day. We must become

sensitive enough to observe and ponder what is

happening around us. Be alert. Be awake. Let

life and all of its subtle messages touch us.

Often, the most extraordinary opportunities are

hidden among the seemingly insignificant events

of life. If we do not pay attention to these

events, we can easily miss the opportunities. 

So be a good observer of both life and the world

around you. 

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn 

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Monday, February 22, 2016

Knowing the various forms of Marketing

Knowing the various forms of Marketing 

There’s a point of confusion that arises among home-business entrepreneurs when it comes to using the common terms like ”network marketing.” Sometimes these new terms are mentioned because the old ones are tarnished in some way or because an organization simply wants to appear different. Most of the time, however, these terms are simply misused and misunderstood.The dangerous side effect of not understanding these various terms is often manifested in that marketers apply the wrong strategy for their objectives or end up trying to build on weaknesses rather than the strengths of these various marketing methods.Starting a successful business begins with a clear understanding of what you are getting involved with. Because we could not find ANYONE involved in network marketing to clearly define the difference between Network Marketing, Multilevel Marketing and Affiliate Marketing we decided to do it ourselves.

Things we need to know concerning marketing
Marketing involves and contains all the commercial functions that are required to transfer a product or service from the producer to the consumer. This includes advertising, packaging, public relations, and even the human element of customer interaction. Marketing is everything a company does to acquire customers and maintain a relationship with ones customers.
we call it, we can never forget that our job as a marketer is to get the attention of a target market so that we can sell something to that target audience that they want and need in a way that allows us to earn a profit on our efforts.


Network Marketing
As the term suggests, network marketing is simply marketing through a network of personal connections or relationships.

The term Network Marketing was first made popular through the 1982 book Megatrends by John Nesbit. In it the author predicts that as our world becomes more high-tech, more consumers will rely on personal connections to make decisions. Essentially, the overload of marketing information requires each individual to filter more information from the world around them. This increases the importance of high -touch skills such as communication, listening, problem solving and public speaking.

Mr. Nesbit predicted that businesses would increasingly rely on passing their marketing messages through their networks of personal connections and thus the term was born. It was quickly picked up by a number of key Amway distributors and spread like a wildfire among distributors for multilevel marketing companies.

It’s important to point out that network marketing is employed by many different types of businesses - not just multilevel marketing. From Real Estate and Insurance agents to Health Clubs, many businesses use Network Marketing to gain new customers and clients. While it most often involves word of mouth, it’s different from pure word of mouth in that network marketing involves some form of recognition or incentive for the word of mouth promotion.


Multilevel Marketing
Multilevel Marketing is a term that describes a structure of marketing and compensation that’s designed to create a sales force by compensating promoters not only their personal sales but also on the sales of other promoters they introduced to the company.

The foundational principle or key element for Multilevel Marketing is the belief that a multilevel compensation structure is more efficient and effective than traditional sales structures. The basic premise is that a successful sales person is more apt to recruit and train other successful sales persons when they have a direct stake in that person’s success. In this way a multilevel structure provides a framework for top producers to create large sales organizations by replicating their activities through a network of promoters.

A key component in the success of Multilevel organizations is in the creation of marketing tactics that are mass duplicatable. This requires that the marketing methods employed are simple to learn and personal in nature to minimize competition in high-visibility channels often employed by Direct Marketers. For this reason most Multilevel Marketing companies employ some level of Network Marketing to market their product and services.


Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is primarily an Internet based marketing practice in which a business rewards a marketer for sales (or other actions such as clicks, visitors, etc.) made through their marketing efforts. The affiliate is usually free to market a product or service any way they wish - within the confines of the terms of their agreement with their affiliate network or company - which often includes restrictions on the use of trademarks and competitive advertising.

The main reason companies look to affiliates is to connect with a source of traffic within their target market that they would not otherwise have access to. An ideal affiliate already has an audience or a unique ability to reach a certain audience. They are seeking to monetize that audience by offering relevant products and services to them. This can make for an ideal business relationship.

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Put Yourself in this Picture…

Put Yourself in this Picture…

You wake up every morning when you finish sleeping.  You live in the house you always wanted, I mean with everything you wanted inside and out.  ( Guess what your mortgage is only $100.00 a month ).  You own the car you always have wanted and guess what that is paid for as well.  Now you may be working for someone but in this picture you are now the boss of you own company with your own work force in several countries around the world.  Every other day you check your books and you work force of distributors as well is expanding and you see all the new volume growing greatly.

You have passive residual income and so your life has some reasonable choices now.  Now you’ve built  a large, successful team, you’re respected both within  your company, and by other leaders in the profession.  When your company holds its annual convention, you are the one walking across the stage to deafening cheers, you earn the  bonus cars and exotic trips, and you are the person that most  people want to be like.

Yes and along with this you have personal time for the other personal things of your life, while helping others achieve the wellness and their own time to do the things they most love and like in life.  This all is no pipe dream but it is the circumstances of Thousands around he world.  As well this a rich pipe dream this is not my goal to be rich by worldly standards, but to help not only myself but possibly any others who want to change or supplement things in the 9 -5 rat race. Question is can this be you to ???

Is it time for you to feel better with more energy and time without clocking into someone else's clock but your own ???

All I ask you to do is to take a closer look at what we do and then you can decide if this shift is right for you.

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

Thursday, February 11, 2016



Here are 3 very important questions we can ask ourselves and really give some serious insights and thoughts to when things become a little Out of Harmony within ...
Have you ever wondered why there is a "poison control" warning on your toothpaste?

Or why we clean our homes with chemicals that are considered toxic to touch or inhale?

Or if there are NATURAL ways to support the health of your body, mind, skin & hair, would I try them ?

If you have any questions ...

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The power of not resisting

The power of not resisting from John David Mann readings
When the conversation goes icy,
Turn in the direction of the skid

It was 25 years ago, The summer of '71, And at the ripe old age Of 17 I was finally learning how to ride a bicycle.

At birth my feet were deformed, Club footed, Bent so that my toes at rest Touch my heels. Some ingenious Doctors found a way to correct the problem without surgery, But it took several years of repeating applications of heavy plaster casts, Each a bit straighter than the last.  Eventually my feet arrived at normal, But I was now a few years behind in crawling Walking and bike riding.

Of course I couldv'e Learned then-
But my friends already knew how, And I was too embarrassed to let them see me start.  So I let it pass.

Now, At seventeen I'd Decided it was time.

Since I went through the bike learning process as a sentient adult (More or less), I still record distinct awareness of the process. When you feel yourself falling to the right, What do you do?  You turn the wheel in the same direction, Stopping the full. Right?  Right.  But my greenhorn instinct screamed, "No, you idiot!- The other way!  Turn the other way!  You're falling right-turn left!  Cut it hard!"  So I would.  And end up on my butt.

Communication with human beings works exactly the same way.  When your dialogue with a prospect Starts to feel like it's about to lose its balance and fall, Instinct tells you, "Turn the other way, idiot!  Cut it hard!"

Gee, Your product seems kinda expensive-" "Ha!  Expensive, you say?  Why, not at all!  Darn cheap, I'd say Worth every penny and more- hey, Have you considered how much you spend each month on junk food, aspirin and bad movies?"


"So, Is this one of those pyramid things---?"  "Are You out of your mind?!  No way!  Absolutely not!  It's totally legal!  You think I'd be doing it if it were illegal?!"

Smack, right on your butt.

Not long after learning to ride a bike, I learn to drive a car, And I there Encountered : The identical concept:  When finding yourself on an icy road And Going into a skid, turn in ... what direction?  The direction of the skid.  Seems counter-intuitive, But any driver Who's done winters on New England Knows it's the Absolute truth.

What does "Turn in the direction of the skid"  Look like in communicating with humans?  Something like this:

"So you're saying, X Dollars seems like a lot to spend? [Pause, Let them say, Yeah it does.]  Yeah, I know what you mean.  It's a serious chunk of change.  I had to think twice the first time I tried them out, too.  In fact, These are the top of the line in their field, And I don't you old find any that cost more and I doubt you'll find any that cost more than ours.  Let me ask you this: What kind of results would you need to see To justify the price?"

My friend Richard Brooke calls it, Embellishing the Objection."  It's a matter of going in the same direction the other person is leaning-Not struggling to force them to lean back The other way.  It is Exemplified in one of John Foggs Favorite questions: "Can you say more about that...?"

It's a matter of being with the other person-Not Jousting for dueling With them.  Of trusting your products, Your opportunity, The facts and yourself enough To not have to push.  It shows the other person (And yourself) That you're not afraid of questions.

It's a feeling of balance...On your bicycle built for two.

When I first started to ride a bike, Its so awkward and strange, Like I'd never get the hang of it.  Of course, I did.  Anyone can.

And you already know what is the most amazing thing about learning how to handle yourself on a bike.  Once you learn how, It becomes second nature-And you never, Ever forget.

So this is Jermaine Oiler Exec Felton Wellness Instructor/Success Coach

I look forward towards your assistance

Direct Line:  718-213-6720