Thursday, February 18, 2016

Put Yourself in this Picture…

Put Yourself in this Picture…

You wake up every morning when you finish sleeping.  You live in the house you always wanted, I mean with everything you wanted inside and out.  ( Guess what your mortgage is only $100.00 a month ).  You own the car you always have wanted and guess what that is paid for as well.  Now you may be working for someone but in this picture you are now the boss of you own company with your own work force in several countries around the world.  Every other day you check your books and you work force of distributors as well is expanding and you see all the new volume growing greatly.

You have passive residual income and so your life has some reasonable choices now.  Now you’ve built  a large, successful team, you’re respected both within  your company, and by other leaders in the profession.  When your company holds its annual convention, you are the one walking across the stage to deafening cheers, you earn the  bonus cars and exotic trips, and you are the person that most  people want to be like.

Yes and along with this you have personal time for the other personal things of your life, while helping others achieve the wellness and their own time to do the things they most love and like in life.  This all is no pipe dream but it is the circumstances of Thousands around he world.  As well this a rich pipe dream this is not my goal to be rich by worldly standards, but to help not only myself but possibly any others who want to change or supplement things in the 9 -5 rat race. Question is can this be you to ???

Is it time for you to feel better with more energy and time without clocking into someone else's clock but your own ???

All I ask you to do is to take a closer look at what we do and then you can decide if this shift is right for you.

This is,

Jermaine Oiler Felton
Wellness Instructor/Success Coach
Call me: 718-213-6720

Web Address:

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